Featured Artists

Becoming a Featured Artist

oil paintings by artist Al Johannessen

Al Johannessen

Paul Hopkinson

Lesley Dabson

paintings in acrylics by artist Paula Oakley

Paula Oakley

watecolour artist Michael Edwards

Michael Edwards

watercolour artist Alan Owen

Alan Owen

pastel paintings by artist Graham Cox

Graham Cox

artist Moira Ladd

Moira Ladd

Oscar Thorarensen

painting by Terence R Rogers

Terence R Rogers

painting by Mike Rome

Mike Rome

painting by Peter Greenhill

Peter Greenhill

painting by Bob Patterson

Bob Patterson

Guernsey artist Wendy Griffin

Wendy Griffin

painting by Kevin Clarkson

Kevin Clarkson

summer lunch painting by Alix Baker

Alix Baker

water colour artist John Salmon

John Salmon

artist Stef Craig

Stef Craig

artist Graham Berry

Graham Berry

artist Chris Lee

Chris Lee

artist Geoff Butterworth

Geoff Butterworth

artist Peter Hengst

Peter Hengst

artist Richard Harpum

Richard Harpum

artist Jo Quigley

Jo Quigley

artist Murray Ince

Murray Ince

artist Rebecca de Mendonca

Rebecca de Mendonca

artist Thea Penna

Thea Penna

artist John Somerscales

John Somerscales

artist Alice Hole

Alice Hole

artist Jane Sinclair

Jane Sinclair

artist Alan Goodall

Alan Goodall

artist Zaria Forman

Zaria Forman

artist Hamish Blakely

Hamish Blakely

artist Ivan Jones

Ivan Jones

artist Mick Anderson

Mick Anderson

artist Brian Robinson

Brian Robinson

artist Andy Hamblin

Andy Hamblin

artist Mynderd Vosloo

Mynderd Vosloo

artist Geoff Goddard

Geoff Goddard

artist Matt Harvey

Matt Harvey

artist Marialena Sarris

Marialena Sarris

artist Quintin Davies

Quintin Davies

1 Response to Featured Artists

  1. Pat, I sure like this Idea,and thank you very much


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